Wednesday, February 5, 2014

grace enough: The First Post

Hey! Check it out, I'm blogging. Because the world was short one of those. Pretty sure the internet is complete now, you're welcome. 

Um... Sure. 

So I've had this blog for a little bit now, but have been putting off The First Post because, well... it's The First Post. And conditions must be right. It has to be awesome. And I have to have time and be relatively rested and inspired and my kids have to be down and... yeah right. 

So instead of that, I'll just go for it. And it'll probably be a little rough. I'll hit "Publish" and then immediately come up with a bunch of things I should have said more or less or better.

Basically, I want to tell you (whoever you are) (Mom?) what I'm here for (online, not existentially.) Actually, I'd mostly like to tell me what I'm here for. I don't have a great deal of wisdom to share. No super crafting ideas or recipes. Nothing at all worth a Pin, most likely. But here's the thing... I have this crazy, mundane, clumsy, grace-full life. And I don't want to live it in an unexamined way. I process things by writing, and this gives me incentive to document and process life in a coherent way. I mean, of course I own a pen and a journal. But that gets... rambly. Actually, this is getting rambly, too, but my journal barely even makes sense to me and I was there. So my hope is to write things. About my life. That make sense. And maybe, just maybe, God will use some part of my story to encourage you in yours. 

(Here's a pretty picture I took. Because Real Blogs have pictures. And because God made winter lovely and it is totally unappreciated.)

(about the title...)
About a year ago, I started keeping a "thankful journal." (Thanks, Ann Voskamp!) (Look! I just did a linky thing!) Anyway, listing out things for which I am thankful has changed my life some and changed the way I look at my life a lot. I am now on the lookout for the little gifts God is giving me in the mundane parts of my life... turns out, those gifts are all over the place. And then several weeks ago, there was a stretch that seemed to be tougher than most. Nothing crazy, just normal stuff. No sleep, busy schedule, crazy toddlers. But for some reason, it was taking MONUMENTAL EFFORT. And every day, I thanked God for grace enough to get through it. Either at the start of the day for yesterday's grace or for today's that I knew was coming, I thanked Him. And it was always there. Then I looked back over the week and saw "grace enough..." over and over, and there it was. 

So this blog is about my life. But really it's about His grace in my life. In little and big ways, it's all over the place, and I want to find it. 

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